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Friday, December 7, 2012

The At-Homers

Our holiday tree has priceless heirloom ornaments: a paper mache globe with first grader smiles that are missing teeth; a Santa so heavily antiqued that it resembles an atomic bomb survivor rather than a Christmas ornament; and a glob of clay with broad strokes of red, shaped into a candycane with a kindergartener's name scrawled across the side.

Tangible childhood. 

This year, except for the tree, the holiday lights will stay where they are. There'll be no glitsy display along the front and looping down the posts. In honor of our landing spot, there are garlands with simple natural decorations. This is what gratefulness looks like, as we practice more joyfulness with less stuff.

May 2013 be everything good, and inspiring, and hopeful. May it provide many opportunities to learn how to give and take, and love in large measure. Peace to all, and Merry Christmas.

Randy and Nanci