For instance, the well guys were out last week and bled the well to get rid of the sulfur water smell. They gave us all sorts of tips on maintenance and some insight into the features of the well, things that will be useful going forward.
We would see them occasionally fly between Italian Cypress trees or from the Valley Oaks to somewhere in back, a huge bird with variegated brown feathers and such broad wingspans it seemed impossible to be an owl.
But it was an owl. It did not take long to discover how incredibly smart they are, confident hunters and with established routines at the homestead which has been theirs for countless years. Their hearing is so acute that as we listened to their hooting through closed doors and windows they were listening to us, and when we pulled up an owl website on the computer with samples of hooting calls the owls answered from the tops of the trees.
We looked for them as they courted and mated. No luck. We could hear them from the closest trees but couldn't catch a glimpse. And then just before dusk last Thursday night, there it was, in the huge oak out front, vibrant yellow eyes watching us as we excitedly took pictures. It flew to a neighboring tree and there sat its mate, we imagined with one eye on the fields and one eye on us.
It will be thrilling to see the babies become branchers and then flutterers and finally move out on their own. What awesome neighbors.