Amazing! Fantastic! Stupendous!
It started as a random post about organic mosquito repellent that really sparked our imagination. We rounded up the ingredients and mixed up a batch.
Today was a garden day anyway so we sprayed ourselves down liberally and headed out around 9:30. The rule of thumb here in Zamora is -- if the sun is up, the skeeters are out. We hauled out the Skin So Soft back up units just in case.
We were forced inside at 3pm because someone rolled in critter poop out in the field and nothing can make a dent in that smell but a bath. After that, we sprayed down again and were outside well past the mosquito witching hour.
IT WORKED! We had no mosquito bites all day and just a few at dusk. The recipe is cheap, easy to assemble and uses wholesome ingredients. You can bet we'll be stocking up on personal sized spray bottles to hand out at our next get-together. We even used it on the dog.
Three cheers to Farmer Blue Coral on FB!
L to R: Lavendar oil, Vanilla, Lemon Juice, water, & spray bottle |
3 - 4 tablespoons vanilla
1/4 cup lemon juice
15 drops lavendar oil
fill the rest of a 16 oz water bottle sprayer with water