Feedback has been positive for the most part. It smells nice. It goes on well and dries quickly. It works consistently around the house, doing yardwork, at afternoon BBQs and on little hiking and biking excursions. Results are from (so far) Beebe, AK; Coal City, IL; Auburn and other towns in CA; Berthoud, CO; and a couple of places in TX. Nice first term report card.
Also, the improvement feedback has been great.
One wrote that the product still separates when sitting, and we are working on that.
Another mentioned a lot of the first formula product was necessary, and we agree. The newer formula has a broader spectrum of essential oils and in a stronger solution.
Yet another found the scent overpowering. Naturally repelling plants have a strong (and often unpleasant) odor, and it is challenge to balance them with more pleasant natural scents. This feedback was especially interesting because he suffers from many different allergies and still willingly tried it.
A young man found the first formula not very effective when he was fishing on the lake. We are sending his mom the latest batch to test and compare.
The Illinois Science teacher's students on a field trip to the Everglades (FL) are trying it now. The first group reported back that the formula worked moderately well on land but when they hit the swamp, it gave little or no relief. There are three student groups willing to try and let us know how it works for them.
Back @ home, the swell of dragonflies has begun and that marks the beginning of Dragonfly Season. It is a short and intense two weeks as the mosquito larvae hatch in the first big wave. Dragonflies fill the air just before dusk, thousands of them darting in all directions as the last rays of light catch and reflect their iridescent colors.
We are more ready for it this year, with bug juice and a camera. What a show.