One year ago, at 5 minutes to 5, we were handed the keys to the place just as the Title Company locked up for the holiday weekend.

We knew nothing about living out here or what to expect, but septic, well and propane were easy to learn. We didn't have a garage, or a garden, bulb beds, a dog run, workshop, a graveled drive or patio. Those are in, along with a lawn, and we slowly discovered the purposeful trees already here ~ figs and olives and almonds and pomegranates - and we are harvesting them.

We built on the working yield idea and now there are Citrus and Blueberries, Nectarines, Grapes, Plums, Apricots, and a summer garden. Old Abe the beloved garden tractor sits waiting for the weekends.

Inside, we are squared away. The lights and fans are up, decorations in place, and the pantry is full. There are a few boxes still in closets and we need shelving but the furnishings fit the house like a glove. Not bad for a Memorial weekend impulse buy.
One year. .. Already? ... Only?
It feels like a lifetime ago we were handed the keys to what would be an inspirational journey. And now, there's the promise of bringing a wholesome product to market.
Dogs at our feet, crops all around, farmers waving as they go by on their tractor, days of purpose and thankfulness: what more could we ask?