We met a man who owns a neon shop a while ago, and one thing led to another and we discovered something cool.
There was an old crusty window in his old crusty shop which had 18 coats of paint and grooves for the rope that long ago raised and lowered it. My kind of window, with lots of texture and history. We couldn't use the size and asked if he had others. Yes, actually, he did: hundreds more.
That got the juices flowing about something posted recently on my wall about a vintage window repurposed into a very appealing wall photo display. There's a place for that, for sure.
And that got me thinking about the Greenhouse that got away in Sacramento last year, the one on Craigslist in perfect shape, plexiglass windows on an 8x10 frame with a hinged door, for two hundred bucks.
It was one of those needs vs wants things, and at the time we didn't really need it, although I have regretted not having somewhere to start seedlings in a cool little spot off the porch. I have been on the hunt for something like it ever since.
So the window guy resource kept rolling around in my head and sometime last week the ideas converged when I saw this little grow light potter's bench. This was a very simple and cool grow set up.
What if, what if some of those vintage windows could be used for a funky greenhouse with benches and grow lights and a spigot nearby?
That would look pretty cool with the carriage doors we're planning along the side of the workshop, and the bottle windbreak that's on the Brilliant Ideas chore list.
Just saying.