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Monday, November 12, 2012


We've got a couple of olive trees and the other day took a walk over to show the family, and darned if they weren't loaded with fruit.


Our favorite website said it was olive harvest time (mid Nov to mid Dec, before the frost).  And so just before dark last night we headed up into the branches, with ladders and rakes and a plastic tarp below, and started to harvest.  Ours are very small black olives that grow in CA and we are told are probably Mission or Kalamata.

The first half :)
Either or any! We picked 3 lbs in about 30 minutes. This year we'll experiment with harvest times and brining methods. This first group will be half dry rub and half water brine. In a couple of weeks we'll harvest again at the end of the season, and see if the olives are plumper and more flavorful.

Water Brining

The Hubs brought home pickling salt and so it's game on, Oliv-ia. Can't wait to see what the trees do next year with some fertilizer and regular watering.