I guess it would be natural for the Hubs and I to be having one of our heart-to-hearts about futures with him jumping the hurdle to 60 this month. Let's just say I can see his butt from where I'm standing, we are so close in age.
I'm not sure he's feeling it, the excitement of standing on the edge of a brand new era the way I am.
I love the longing feeling of not being ready each morning to leave home behind. There's so many interesting things to do now, things to learn and try and explore.
I love feeling the transition deep inside from a sole-focused work world to it being just one facet of many interesting things to do.
I feel confident about what it means to be 60 and beyond. For me, it means in short order we will know if we have been careful and prudent enough with savings and investments to be able to decide how to spend our time. And by our age, now is the time to correct mistakes or live by them.
It's interesting how our friends respond to our lifestyle change. We hear comments about the awesome house, but the location is, well, pretty out there. I'd say so: with a town of 51 and 10 minutes from the nearest grocery store, we're a little remote. Randy's pop amusedly got out of the car on his first visit and exclaimed, What Were You Thinking?!! Just once I'd like to be a fly in the car listening to our guests on the drive up.
Of course we don't see any of that anymore. The farm has transformed us inside and out. We have finally found the balanced path we have sought and never found. It has an unrefined and limitless charm about it. There is joy in the weeds and puddles and yes, even the overgrown trees that need attention.
One of our friends who totally gets it aptly dubbed our place The Rockin' B. Great*Name*Lib!
So bring on the canning equipment and recipes taped 3 deep to the microwave. Bring on the mouse in the house, a workshop full of ideas, and dogs up to their bellies in mud. Bring on the shooting range and ample trees and gardens. For us, it's a dream come true.