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Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Win

It was a big weekend @ the farm, with the Hubs turning 60.  Folks were invited up for a buffet and to see the Kings Vs the Celtics down at the Arena.

Friday they began trickling in and a birthday surround sound was installed in the perfect-for-a-media-room Room and tested with Monsters U and Lord of the Rings, and the Olympics. 

The Olympics was a disappointment, as usual. Everything seemed a little too extreme: the hype, fanfare, costuming, speed, interpretive skating, and risks.  I kept wondering what the ancient Greeks would think of the glitz and spectacle that it has become, and I concluded: not much.

The weekend was begging for something old school, and so we put on an old fashioned, put-out-the-welcome-mat kind of get together. It's been a long time since we've done an open house, and it was fun. Everyone came and were fun to be around.  The food was made ahead so even I visited and enjoyed everyone's company. It was the kind of get together we imagined the first time we saw the place, guest rooms full and laughter spilling out of the shop, the kitchen, the rooms upstairs.

We were knee deep in dogs ~ our two plus two ~ never quite sure how that will go, but it was fine. There was only one little mishap that involved 3 dogs and 1 ball and we got a handle on that situation pretty quick. And nobody even pee'd on the floor.

We chuckled watching a dozen or so guests in shorts and shirt sleeves wandering around with a small bottle of mosquito repellent sticking out of their pockets. Imagine having to do that in the 3rd week of February.  These 70 degree not-so wintery days are obviously confusing more than just the Bearded Iris, mosquitos and Daffodils.

The dogs charged up the stairs at 5 in the morning, and the Hubs expertly intercepted them just short of the open guest room door. So that was a win.

The Kings won.

Everyone trickled out slowly by Sunday afternoon with a good time smile. Win.

There were enough leftovers so yours truly didn't cook tonight. Win.

And there were lots of smooches for a great birthday weekend.  Pretty good way to spend our time, if you ask me.