Like Mary Poppins' carpet bag, we were astonished to discover five fledglings when they finally emerged from the owl box a week ago to finally try their wings.
For weeks we have seen only three, and then there was a hint at 4.
We can't imagine how five birds this size could fit in the rather small owl box, but they do.
What a sensational time as they gather their confidence to fly for the first time. In one short week, their very first start has turned into anxious impatience waiting for just enough dusk to do it again.
From the box to the tree, to the ground to the wishing well and back they go, each watching the others, and waiting for their turn. In the darkness with the moon just behind, we can see them criss-cross the yard happily, confidently, but never venturing too far from the nest.
There is one fledgling that is smaller than the others, who we watch with interest. It can't quite muster the courage to let go of the perch, and so flaps madly and hangs on tight. Every night we root for the little one to finally let go and fly. Every night the others flap their wings from the perch to help the little one along.
All this happens under the watchful eye of their parents. Pappa Tyto makes loops overhead to keep an eye on things; and in the morning, Momma Alba stands guard as they sleep in.