2016 is definitely the year of the bird.

A fledgling fell from his nest 30 feet up in the Pine out back. We hadn't noticed the huge nest at the crest of the tree. It was a Red Tailed Hawk whom we named Murphy after our fondness for our attorney.
We know the family. Father Hawk has a symbiotic relationship with the Hubs and they go squirrel hunting together. (The Hubs shoots, the Hawk eats.) A year ago, the Hawk pair raised three chicks who now include our place in their territory.

Murphy fell a long way. He wasn't scared at all as we gently lifted him and moved him under a shrub, the way wildlife pages suggested - to keep him out of direct sun and also out of open spaces where predators could spot him. We put a little dish of water nearby and waited for Mom and Dad to come.

Overnight his parents left him a fat juicy mouse, but when Murphy wasn't interested we became concerned that he still wasn't moving around much. It became clear that something was wrong, so ever so gently the Hubs gathered him up and he and the Murph took a ride to the Raptor Center at UC Davis.
The Raptor Center is staffed with volunteers, and during the 20 minute drive Murphy was calm and interested in watching Randy. The Raptor Center took him in and hoped that he would convalesce there and be returned to us for release.

That wasn't to be. The Center examined him and discovered a collapsed lung and within a day or two pneumonia had set in, and the Murph passed away peacefully. We will never forget the thrill of being that close to a Red Tailed Hawk. RIP, Murphy.